The Coaching Approach

Building Capacity for Sustainable Systems Change

These modules are for experts interested in serving as coaches and mentors. The modules share principles, approaches and tips for playing the role of a coach or mentor effectively and exchanging lessons learned from real-life experiences.

A movement to improve technical support to country change processes.

To respond to the call to reimagine traditional technical assistance models and find better ways to support country-led change, a global community of stakeholders committed to improving technical assistance and learning from one another are building and sharing the Coaching Approach.

The Coaching Approach draws mainly on country and regional experts to support country change processes, supported by global coaches and mentors as needed. Working through existing infrastructure and processes, coaches bring technical expertise and evidence adapted to suit the country context, and they help facilitate more robust, country-led processes through learning-by-doing. 

Coaching "soft skills"

Serving as a coach or mentor goes beyond being a consultant or a technical assistance provider. In addition to technical expertise, coaching requires strong skills in:
  • stakeholder engagement,
  • process facilitation,
  • knowledge translation and communication.

Building Capacity for Sustainable Health Systems Change

Renforcement des capacités pour un changement durable des systèmes de santé

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Engage with other coaches

The FORCE Community

The FORCE Community is a network of African Health Systems Strengthening Practitioners committed to collaborative learning around a coaching approach to support country-led health systems strengthening processes to advance Universal Health Coverage.  If you're interested in joining this community of experts dedicated to co-creating the “coaching approach” and learning from one another to implement this approach, sign up using the link below.
Completed the Courses?

Showcase your skills in our global database

The Coaching Experts Database is a publicly accessible networking platform for individuals and organizations that engage in health systems strengthening.

By being included, you will receive the following benefits:
  • Your profile as an expert will be elevated and visible to those requesting support for technical assistance
  • You may be considered for country engagement opportunities
  • You will receive periodic information on capacity development opportunities in areas including knowledge/experience translation; stakeholder engagement and strategic communications; process facilitation; and coaching and mentoring
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